Pues sí, parece la onomatopeya del ladrido en inglés, pero son las siglas de: World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms. Es una organización que comenzó en UK en 1971 y yo tuve noticias de ella hace unos días en un informativo.Aquí os lo dejo, por si a alguien le interesa.
Wwoofing around the worldFor those who like a holiday with a purpose, wwoofing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a great way to be a part of the country you're visiting. In short, you help out on a farm, doing anything from planting to weeding, fishing to cooking, in exchange for a meal and a bed at night. But more than this, it's a fantastic way to live with a family in their home, learn about the area and farming, and enjoy some good fresh food, straight out of the ground. You can find great wwoofing opportunities across the channel in France (and brush up on your French in the process) or even right here in the UK. What's great is that you work a few hours and the rest is your own time to explore the area, take a dip in the sea, go for a nice long walk, eat the strawberries you've picked.
source: http://www.ivebeenthere.co.uk/blog/2009/slowmoves.jsp
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